Scott Lederer
Philadelphia · New York · Remote
Projects from over the years
2023 Todos + Notes
Concept, design, and development of Totes, a web app exploring the relationship between notes and todos.
2022–2023 AI-powered Data Storytelling
Product design team leadership at Capitol AI, an early-stage AI-powered data storytelling venture. I provided concepts, workflows, and design direction for AI chat, collaborative docs, data analysis, and visualization.
2020–Ongoing React Showtime
Concept and development of React Showtime, a JavaScript library that makes it easy to animate the appearance and disappearance of elements via CSS transitions.
2016–2022 Civic & Environmental Impact
A selection of client & research projects while at Azavea, a mission-driven geospatial software shop.
2011–2016 Startups & Freelance
Enigmatic takes from a few years working with startups and such.
2008–2014 Google Maps
I designed the local search experience on Google Maps for a number of years back in the day.